Conflict of Interest statement

In the course of conducting its business activities, Rabofinance Chile SpA & Rabofinance Perú S.A.C. is committed to act in accordance with the best interests of its clients and Business Partners. If you have any queries or would like to receive more information, please contact your relationship manager.

Conflict of Interest statement

Identifying a conflict of interest

A conflict of interest arises where two or more parties (could) have competing interests that either are - or can be - conflicting with each other. These may arise due to Rabofinance’s various activities and roles. A conflict of interest can therefore arise between the interest of Rabofinance, its clients or business partners and those of Rabofinance’s employees, at all levels and in any combination.

Rabofinance believes in conducting business honestly, professionally and fairly. This means behaving diligently and refraining from the misuse of knowledge that working at Rabofinance offers. This intention could be compromised when a conflict of interest arises.

Therefore, each employee continuously assesses whether he/she is in a situation which could be - or lead to - a conflict of interest.

Managing a conflict of interest

Rabofinance has organisational, procedural and administrative measures in place designed to manage or - where appropriate - mitigate risks of financial and/or reputational damage to Rabofinance, its client(s) or its business partner(s). Some specific measures and procedures Rabofinance has implemented to manage conflicts of interest that may arise are related to:

    maintenance of information barriers; functional segregation; gifts, events, or hospitality that are received, rejected, offered or given; outside interest alongside a position at Rabofinance; real estate investments; alternative investments.


In case existing measures and procedures cannot ensure - with reasonable confidence - that risks of damage to the interest of the client or business partner will be prevented, we shall disclose to the client or business partner the identified conflict of interest.

Disclosure is used as a measure of last resort.

Training and awareness

Rabofinance trains its employees regularly on various compliance topics, including conflicts of interest. Aside from compliance trainings, Rabofinance uses various awareness and communication methods to help employees in serving its clients in a fair, honest and professional manner.